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These skills become even more valuable as you continue, both 专业和个人.  在塞德曼商学院, we developed a groundbreaking mentorship program that fosters learning 学生和导师的敏捷性.



学员 一年级学生是结对的吗 同伴导师 那是高年级学生(e).g.,初级和高级地位).



同伴导师 高年级学生(e.g.,初级和高级地位).

他们的导师 学员 并接受指导 业务顾问.



业务顾问 专业人士是否与 同伴导师.


学员 + 同伴导师

  • 在大学里畅游
  • 访问资源
  • Identify interests and possible career paths

同伴导师 + 业务顾问

  • 探索和确定职业
  • 帮助建立工作与生活的平衡
  • Provide a sounding board for life's questions


  • Connect with your mentor or mentee biweekly or monthly.
  • Spend on average one-hour per month on the program.
  • Options to communicate via text, phone, video, or in-person.


  • 深思熟虑的导师和学员配对
  • Support provided by the 塞德曼商学院 Mentorship office
  • Invitations to the 塞德曼商学院 Mentorship networking and community events
  • Satisfaction of giving back to 大峡谷州立大学 and making a difference in a student’s life

了解更多|聆听我们的导师 & 学员


第一集|播客 第一集|文字记录

今天我们欢迎安娜·欧比.  安娜是一名大四学生 double major in criminal justice - legal studies and juvenile justice. 安娜 hails from Brampton, Ontario, where she mastered the track and 三级跳远田赛.  She holds the Grand Valley school record 对于12个人来说.11m leap and earned GLIAC All-Academic Honors.  安娜 and I talk about why you may want a mentor in your life, how to find 一、如何建立关系.

第二集|播客  第二集|文字记录

Hello, this is Sidney Bachman; I am a Graduate Student at Grand 谷州立大学 and work in the Seidman Advisory Office. On today’s show, I interview the MentorShip Captain Himself: Gerry Cooke.  Gerry is Director of Mentorship for the Seidman School of business, 一个MBA候选人,一个终生的湖人球员.  他获得了学士学位 Business Administration in 1998 from Seidman, founded a club sport, earned the President’s Award, and volunteered in the professional mentorship program since its inception 8 years ago. 经过25年 professional work in public relations and sales, Gerry has decided to return to GVSU to pursue his passion for mentorship. 这一集 discusses the Seidman Mentorship program, its mission and goals, how it works, what to expect if you join, and the tangible benefits of 指导者或被指导者.

第三集|播客  第三集|文字记录

在今天的节目中,我采访了鲍勃·斯托尔.  鲍勃是格兰德的传奇人物 Valley, having served students at Grand Valley for 38 years, under 4 different University presidents as associate dean and director of 学生生活.  The Office of Student Life, under Stoll's leadership, expanded to oversee club sports, Student Senate, Greek life, student 组织等等.  现在有400多名学生 组织. It has been said, "Often Bob was the first person you see when you arrive on campus during orientation and the last person you see when you leave GVSU at commencement."尽管他 busy schedule, Bob always made time for and mentored many students, 包括我自己.  Today we talk about mentorship from the Mentor’s perspective.

第四集|播客  第四集|文字记录

Today on the show, I welcome Grand Valley president Emeritus Don •吕贝尔. •吕贝尔 served as 大学 president from 1969 to 2001 making him the longest-serving 大学 leader in the country. •吕贝尔 is credited with the growth of Grand Valley and its reorganization from a collection of colleges to a full-fledged 大学. Lubber's style as president was a combination of community and state government hobnobbing, and a congenital form of an open 门,校园里开明的家长作风. 我们讨论了遗产 Bill Seidman, who was immortalized by the GV business school that 以他的名字命名. Bill was a successful businessman, an advisor to four presidents, and credited with the major role in the founding of Grand 谷州立大学. President Lubber shares what the 大学 was like in the beginning, his hope for students now, and the role mentorship plays in the fabric of Laker life. 

第一集|播客  第一集|文字记录

Today on the show, I host a round table of pro mentors, peer mentors, 和学员. We review the pilot year of the Seidman mentorship program, sharing our experiences and offering advice to those who are 有兴趣加入我们. You can hear the warmth and passion of these wonderful volunteers who decided to come aboard and share their voyage 与他人. 

播客 S2:E1 成绩单S2: E1

Today on the show, I host a Roundtable of self-identified introverts and extroverts, two students and two professionals discuss the ways we approach situations, how we are different, and how we are the same. I am fascinated by the social scripts each style uses to achieve the common goal of success in school, business, and life. 

集 1 |播客 集 1 |文字记录

Today on the show, I welcome 教授 Kevin Lehnart. 教授 Lehnert有博士学位.D. in international marketing business from St. 路易 University, an MBA in economics from Loyola, a MA in philosophy from Boston College, and two BAs in philosophy and psychology from St. 路易斯大学. 教授 Lehnert and I talk about the walls and pathways that students encounter when they first come to Grand Valley and the opening ways in which we can better mentor each other. 和 throughout the entire 大学, we focus on vulnerability. 一个概念 that seems simple at first and is at the key and the heart of mentorship. 


