Arnold C. Ott Lectureship in Chemistry Fall 2023

The Arnold C. Ott Lectureship in Chemistry was created and endowed by a generous gift from Dr. Arnold C. Ott and Marion Ott. Dr. Ott received his Ph.D. 1943年毕业于密歇根州立大学化学/物理/细菌学专业,是西密歇根州领先的化学家和企业家. 他是大峡谷州立大学的联合创始人之一,并在GVSU董事会任职28年.

Dr. Daniel Nocera

Dr. Daniel Nocera

Patterson Rockwood Professor of Energy

Harvard University

Community Lecture  Thursday, September 28, 2023  6:00 - 7:00 PM 

Russel H. Kirkhof Center, Room 2250 Grand River Room (Parking available in Lots H2 and H4)

The Global Energy Challenge

Chemistry Seminar  Friday, September 29, 2023  1:00 - 2:00 PM 

Russel H. Kirkhof中心,2204室,peere Marquette室(停车场位于H2和H4号)

Food and Fuel from Thin Air, Any Water and the Sun

Kirkhof Center, Allendale Campus

Community Lecture   The Global Energy Challenge

Living healthy on a dying planet—we are a world out of balance. 依靠科学,通过设计新的药物和疗法来改善个人的健康状况, we are neglectful of the health of our humanity at a global level. 疾病确实危及人类的生存,但它不是强加给人类的疾病,而是人类强加给地球的疾病,是地球免疫系统对我们的反应. 气候变化继续以惊人的速度超过可再生能源的实施. In addressing the global energy challenge, 研究发现面临着两个世界:一个是已经拥有大量能源基础设施的世界(传统世界),另一个是几乎没有能源基础设施的世界(非传统世界)。. Consequently, in addressing the energy challenge, 研究必须认识到这两个不同的能源世界,因为它们产生了不同的目标. In the legacy world, 实施可再生能源的最快途径是将发现与现有基础设施结合起来. This talk will touch on the creation of the coordination chemistry flow battery, which allows for massive grid storage, and the path from bench to commercialization will be presented. On the other end of the spectrum is the non-legacy world. 正如将展示的那样,推动未来全球能源需求的将是非传统世界. 因此,这是可再生能源减少全球碳排放的最重要目标. Two inventions will be presented: the Artificial Leaf and the Bionic Leaf, 它们以一种分布式和可持续的方式生产食物和燃料,只使用阳光, air and water. These discoveries are particularly useful to the poor of the world, where large infrastructures are not tenable.

Dan Nocera Fall 2023 Ott Lecture 1 - Thursday, Sept 28

Chemistry Seminar  Food and Fuel from Thin Air, Any Water and the Sun

Hybrid biological | inorganic (HBI) constructs have been created to use sunlight, 空气和水作为唯一的起始物质来完成碳和氮固定, 能够建立分布式和可再生的费托循环和哈伯博世循环. The carbon and nitrogen fixation cycles begin with the Artificial Leaf, 哪一种发明是为了在自然条件下完成太阳能燃料的自然光合作用过程——利用阳光将水分解成氢和氧. 来自人造叶子的氢可以与工程生物连接,为仿生叶- c和仿生叶- n提供动力,将空气中的二氧化碳和氮转化为液体燃料和氨, respectively. 仿生叶子- c进行人工光合作用,其效率是最好的自然光合作用的10-100倍, with CO2-to-fuels products in addition to biomass. The Bionic-Leaf N is a living biofertilizer that can replace chemical fertilizer; it will be shown for a 400-acre farm, 预算节省二氧化碳154公吨,同时提高作物产量,没有径流,负责有害的藻类繁殖. 将介绍支撑人工叶子和仿生叶子的科学. Where are these innovations useful? With an understanding that the underserved populations of our global society, without large energy infrastructures, will largely drive climate change by mid-century, 这些发现对发展科学具有特别重要的影响,而科学是为世界上的穷人实施分布式能源系统和过程的基础, where large infrastructures for fuel and food production are not tenable.

Dan Nocera Fall 2023 Ott Lecture 3   Friday, Sept 29

Daniel G. Nocera is the Patterson Rockwood Professor of Energy at Harvard University. Nocera is recognized for his discoveries in renewable energy, 开创了太阳能转换和储存领域的新模式. Nocera通过首次测量电子和质子的时间,在机械水平上创造了质子耦合电子转移(PCET)场. On this experimental foundation, he provided the first PCET theory. Within this framework, he is the inventor of the Artificial Leaf and the Bionic Leaf, 这些发现为大规模部署用于燃料和粮食生产的分布式太阳能奠定了基础. Complementing his interest in solar energy conversion, Nocera has pioneered the implementation of PCET in radical enzymology, 探讨了光/电氧化还原催化机理在有机合成中的应用, 并设计了分层反铁磁体来探索高度相关自旋产生的奇异态, creating the spin ½ quantum spin liquid on a kagomé lattice, a long-sought prize in condensed matter physics. 他的团队还创造了用于肿瘤代谢分析的纳米晶体传感器, a technique used by clinicians to develop new cancer drug therapies. Afield from chemistry, Nocera invented the Molecular Tagging Velocimetry to make simultaneous, multipoint velocity measurements of highly three-dimensional turbulent flows. 这种流体物理技术已经被工程界用来解决长期存在的重要问题,这些问题以前没有被描述出来.

Nocera has been awarded the Leigh Ann Conn Prize for Renewable Energy, Eni Prize, IAPS Award, Burghausen Prize, 伊丽莎白·伍德奖和联合国科学技术奖,以表彰他在可再生能源方面的发现. On this topic, he has also received the received the Inorganic Chemistry, Harrison Howe, Remsen and Kosolapoff Awards from the American Chemical Society. He has received honorary degrees from Harvard University, Michigan State University and the University of Crete. 他是美国哲学学会、美国艺术与科学学院、美国科学与技术研究所的成员.S. National Academy of Sciences and the Indian Academy of Sciences, and he is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. 他被《博天堂官方》杂志评为全球100位最具影响力人物,并在《博天堂官方》同一主题榜单上排名第11位. He is a frequent guest on TV, radio and is regularly featured in print. His latest feature in Leonardo DiCaprio’s film, 《博天堂官方网页》于2019年5月在戛纳电影节首映,并于2019年6月在全球上映.

Nocera began his career at Michigan State University, 在那里他是一所大学的杰出教授然后在1997年加入麻省理工学院在那里他是亨利·德雷福斯能源教授. Nocera has mentored 182 Ph.D. graduate and postdoctoral students, 82 of which have assumed faculty positions, published over 500 papers, given over 1100 invited talks and 138 named lectureships. Nocera founded Sun Catalytix, a company committed to developing energy storage technologies for the widespread implementation of renewable energy; the coordination chemistry flow battery technology invented by Sun Catalytix is now commercialized by Lockheed Martin under the venture, 并允许大规模的电网存储,以广泛采用可再生电力. A second company founded by Nocera, Kula Bio, 是否专注于为可再生和分布式作物生产和土地恢复开发一种活的生物肥料.

Previous Ott Lecturers

Vernon Ehlers, Ph.D.
U.S. Congress

Michael D. Parker, M.B.A.
Dow Chemical Company

Carl Djerassi, Ph.D.
Stanford University

Robin D. Rogers, Ph.D.
University of Alabama

Virginia W. Cornish, Ph.D.
Columbia University

Richard N. Zare, Ph.D.
Stanford University

Thomas H. Lane, Ph.D.
Dow Corning Corporation

Chad A. Mirkin, Ph.D.
Northwestern University

Gregory A. Petsko, Ph.D.
Brandeis University

Harry B. Gray, Ph.D.
California Institute of Technology

Gary M. Hieftje, Ph.D.
Indiana University

Roderick MacKinnon, M.D.
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
The Rockefeller University

Kevan Shokat, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco

Ada Yonath, Ph.D.
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
Weizmann Institute of Science

W. Carl Lineberger, Ph.D.
University of Colorado, Boulder

Richmond Sarpong, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley

Jeffrey Moore, Ph.D.
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Wilson Ho, Ph.D.
University of California, Irvine

Geraldine Richmond, Ph.D.
University of Oregon

Sara E. Skrabalak, Ph.D.
Indiana University

Thomas J. Meyer, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Brian K. Shoichet, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco

Daniel M. Neumark, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley

Stephen L. Buchwald, Ph.D.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Melanie Sanford, Ph.D.
University of Michigan

Karen Trentelman, Ph.D.
Getty Conservation Institute

Anne McNeil, Ph.D.
University of Michigan

Tom Guarr, Ph.D.
Michigan State University Bioeconomy Institute

Page last modified February 10, 2024